
A glossary of the different beings found within both Magical and non-Magical worlds:

Dwarves (singular--Dwarf): Dwarves are considered to be the most technologically advanced. Fairly short in stature, typically ranging from 4 to 5 ½ feet, Dwarves tend to have pronounced noses and wiry hair. Due to similar features, Magical Dwarves can occasionally be found residing on both the Elven and Human planes. All Magical Dwarves have an military or land feature based surnames.
Elves (singular--Elf): Elves live on the Elven plane. Typically tall (5 ½ to 7 feet) and graceful with slightly slanted eyes of unique colors (violet being one of the most prominent), Elves are widely known for their arts. A number of Magical Elves can be found living on the Human plane due to fairly similar features. All Magical Elves have botantical surnames.
Faeries: Faeries typically live on the Faerie plane, although groups (both Magical and non) can be found living on all planes. Small in stature (most Faeries range from 8 - 15 inches in height) but typically sharp on wit, Faeries tend to have slightly pointed ears and wings. Magical Faeries have surnames that have something found in nature.
Goblins: Goblins live almost exclusively on the Goblin plane—the only exception are those who live in Annar. Goblins tend to be statuesque (ranging from 5 to 6 ½ feet) and fairly regal in appearance. Their green skin coloring can vary between regions on the plane and with different subgroups within the race. Goblins are normally stereotyped to be the most no-nonsense of the different races.  All Goblin surnames have weather elements to them.
Gnomes: Gnomes are the second smallest in stature next to the Faeries. Ranging between 2 and 4 feet tall, Gnomes easily blend into the other planes by living in forests. Many gnomes have very delicate appearing features; roughly sixty percent of the race are blond despite varying skin color tones. All Gnome surnames have “-ssonn” or “-dottirr” at the end of them.
Humans: Humans live on the Human plane, although there is a good number found on the Elven plane, as well. Typically ranging between 4 ½ and 6 ½ feet tall, Humans tend to be the most varied in appearance of all the races. All Magical Humans have a color variation for a surname.

Magicals: A secret race of people from all six different planes. They are responsible for influencing the course of events within their worlds and beyond. Magicals have been around since the beginning of time, charting courses for the civilizations they populate. All of the major events which have occurred over the history of the worlds can be traced back to Magicals. They instigate the cause of events both natural and societal. The effect is what society and the people within choose to do with it once it’s begun.
Non-Magical/non(s): Any member of any of the six races that is not a Magical.