
In his spare time in his office down in Valhalla, the current Medium, Odin, has cobbled together an ongoing list of different Magical crafts.

Blaze: Those who are Blazes influence their planes through their ability to manipulate fire. Forest fires, for example, are one of the many jobs that Blazes oversee.

Creator: One of the rarest Magical crafts, a Creator has the ability to build up and destroy civilizations (i.e. Atlantis) and celestial objects (i.e. stars, planets, etc…) via Council decree, although they are often used to create much smaller, less important objects, such as the development and closing of portals. Considered extremely valuable and important, Creators are automatically assigned to the Council upon birth and work with Guard during much of their tenure. There will only ever be, at the most, two Creators in existence at the same time, and even then, the overlapping time is small. There are three things a Creator cannot make, however: money, food, and water.

Cyclone: A sub-specialty, Cyclones are like Elementals except they only deal with tornadoes, hurricanes, waterspouts, dust devils, and typhoons. A Cyclone can create any of these weather patterns at any time and are responsible for their creation on all the different planes.

Dreamer: A nuanced craft that allows its user to infiltrate a person’s mind asleep or awake, causing them to see and believe things that may not necessarily be true. Similar to an Emotional, yet rather than causing an actual feeling, a Dreamer alters the reality of the mind. Dreamers are also used to help manipulate Magical minds, as dictated by Council decree.

Electric: Wielders can manipulate electricity. Electrics have been responsible for a number of societal advances, especially in terms of large-scale civilization betterments. Electrics do not, however, have the ability to create electricity via lightning. An Elemental would be needed for that.
Elemental: Those who possess this craft are responsible for the manipulation of weather. Elementals are accountable for controlling the weather patterns on their respective planes, with the exceptions of any kind of cyclones. They are also responsible for phenomena such as El Niño, La Niña, and droughts.

Emotional Those who have this craft are capable of making anyone feel anything they want, whenever they want. Emotionals can pick out the smallest, most nuanced feelings in every single person within their vicinity and manipulate it. They are responsible for both large scale movements, such as uprisings and rebellions, to small scale occurrences, such as relationships or crimes of passion. Anything a person can feel can be manipulated by an Emotional.

Intellectual: An Intellectual is responsible for overseeing scientific advancements on the different planes. Due to the nature of this craft, there usually is a team of Intellectuals assigned for every plane.

Joy: Similar to an Emotional but more nuanced, a Joy is accountable for fostering and maintaining hope within society. Joys tend to be very bubbly and gregarious.

Librarian: Somewhat similar to both an Intellectual and a Storyteller, Librarians serve to inspire and influence authors and literature. Karnach Librarians are responsible for ensuring Council members have the research they need for their crafts.

Medium: This person enables fellow Magicals to go through Ascension. There are typically only one to two Mediums in existence at any given time. Mediums live below Annar and rarely, if ever, go above ground.

Mover: Those with this craft have the ability to manipulate the time/space continuum. Movers are fairly rare, and tend to work mostly on the Guard or for the Medium.

Muse: Responsible for manipulating the creative courses the arts will take in society, most Muses have the ability to inspire the artists they “sponser” or “influence” to both great talent and heights as well as madness. Many Muses become intimately involved with their subjects.

Nymph: Those who are Nymphs are responsible for the cultivation and development of all botanical elements found of the different planes. Nymphs are not only accountable for creating new strains of plants and successful agriculture in their regions, but they also oversee the extinction of other plants. Nymphs have, as one can predict, very green thumbs.

Quake: Quakes have an inherent knowledge of the tectonic plates and fault lines on the planes they’re assigned to as they are responsible for setting off earthquakes on all the worlds. Quakes use their fists to create tremors – the harder they strike, the larger the earthquake.

Seer: A Seer has the ability to detect a Magical’s specialty and placement at their birth. Later in life, a Seer can help Magicals understand the paths they are on, their crafts, and their relationships (i.e. whether or not they have a Connection). Seers often serve as the psychologists of the Magical worlds.

Shaman: This craft serves a dual purpose: healing and disease. Shamans are responsible for developing, cultivating, and releasing all viruses and diseases within the societies they oversee. They are also accountable for overseeing the development and advancement of medical sciences over the millennia. Shamans serve as medical experts (i.e. doctors) in Annar and can heal or fix any kind of ailment that affects a body.

Smith: Magicals who have this craft can manipulate metals. Smiths are able to mine metal, mold it, and create objects with it. Smiths have helped create a number of important advancements within their civilizations, including weapons and transportation.

Storyteller: These are the Magical record keepers. As precious few Magical histories are written down, this craft is inherently passed down through the generations. A Storyteller can, at any time, recite any part of Magical history. Due to the sensitive nature of their craft, Storytellers typically do not leave Annar.

Tide: Tides have the ability to manipulate water. Typically, Tides oversee all types of natural bodies of water on their assigned planes, including streams, rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. Tides have the ability to shifts river patterns as well as ocean tides and currents.

Volcanic: Volcanics are responsible for overseeing and maintaining all volcanic activities on their assigned planes. Furthermore, Volcanics are often tasked with creating new land masses as well as destroying others.